Avenged Sevenfold’s 2006 iTunes Celebrity Playlist.
Back in 2006 iTunes commissioned Avenged Sevenfold to come up with their own iTunes Celebrity Playlist. Check the songs out below:1. Sweet Child O’ Mine by Guns N’ Roses: “One of the greatest songs of all time. GnR are huge influences to our band, and this song is one of the reasons we started playing music in the first place.”thank's deathbatnews
2. “In Bloom” by Nirvana: “Amazing band, amazing song, amazing video. Another legend gone but not forgotten. Too bad we never got to see them live.”
3. “Helena (So Long & Goodnight)” by My Chemical Romance: “Good friends of ours who write good songs. Very happy for all their success.”
4. “Rusty Cage” by Soundgarden: “Good song, real cool time changes. Soundgarden is one of only a handful of bands that can make a song sound normal, yet at the same time completely insane. This song runs the gammut from straight up punk, to old school Sabbath metal.”
5. “Im The Man (Def Uncensored Version)” by Anthrax: “Silly yes, but a good song to play with your buds. Anthrax has been another one of our favs for years.”
6. “El Scorcho” by Weezer: “Undoubtedly one of the catchiest choruses around. Good drinking song. Simple riff, simple beat and catchy as hell.”
7. “Don’t Stop Me Now” by Queen: “One night The Rev was wasted out of his mind and he kept trying to play this song over and over again.”
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